Talk:Collaborative Industrial Optimization

From OnTrackNorthAmerica
Latest comment: 21 January by JLohrmann in topic The positioning of OTNA to CAPSI

The positioning of OTNA to CAPSI

MS, I like where you say:

"OTNA’s Collaborative Industrial Optimization, now placed in service to CAPSI, reconceives planning and investment to serve entire industries and regions."

This give the reader a sense of OTNA seeding CAPSI with knowledge. Do yiou do this in other places? Jeff JLohrmann (talk) 04:02, 15 January 2025 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I love this page:
  1. You position OTNA's set-up contribution very well without making it about OTNA.
  2. You start lining out the design elements of some tools
  3. You introduce simple easy to understand concepts
  4. I am not thrilled with biodiesel as an example though it is a good for for the subject.
  5. The only major edit I would suggest is the paragraph starting at about "138 warehouses". The transition from the previous paragraph which talks about biodiesel distribution make is look like the new paragraph is still talking about biodiesel. Its not, its making a much bigger point about warehouses and trains in general -Jeff
JLohrmann (talk) 15:42, 21 January 2025 (UTC)Reply[reply]