How To Join The Southwest Supply Chain Coalition

Who can become a Member of the Coalition?
Anyone sharing the goals of the Coalition can join. Organizations do not have to be located in Nevada, California, Utah or Arizona in order to join and participate.

Membership Fees

Annual membership fees are related to an organization’s revenue. The table below shows the fees.

# Membership Level Annual Fees
1 Organizations with annual revenues above $500m $50,000
2 Organizations with annual revenues between $20m and $500m $25,000
3 Organizations with annual revenues between $5m and $20m $15,000
4 Organizations with annual revenues between $1m and $5m $5,000
5 Organizations with annual revenues below
6 Non-Profit/NGO1
Local Government
7 Individuals $125

1 Non-Profit must be Section 501(c) (3)

2 Non-profits or organizations with less than $1m in annual operating revenues unable to pay all of the fees are encouraged to reach out to us to discuss

‘Organization’ includes private sector companies and public sector entities with recognized operating revenues, such as ports, airports, tolling agencies etc.


The Coalition’s Code of Ethics

The membership form you will fill out about yourself and your organization are fairly standard.

Where can I get more information?

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