
States are now required to develop transportation plans, but the focus on performance measures and specific results is still in its formative stages. OnTrackNorthAmerica promotes the utilization of performance measures, benchmarks, targets, and commitments to action so that plans deliver results. To meet the requirements of MAP-21, states have been completing their transportation plans this year. To provide a window into the current state of planning, OnTrackNorthAmerica analyzes transportation plans to identify their progress toward performance-based planning.


OnTrackNorthAmerica has analyzed six transportation plans, to date, focusing on six plan elements: baseline metrics, specific targets, action plan, goals, commitments, and stakeholder involvement. In addition, we noted the department primarily responsible for planning and whether the state used public or private consultants to help in developing the plan.

The following factors affecting state transportation planning were assessed:


Agency identifies the state agency that led the transportation plan effort. Most states developed these plans in the Department of Transportation. Some included other departments, such as planning, and one state, Rhode Island only used the Planning Department.


Consultant indicates whether the state used a consultant to help create the plan, and if so, whether that consultant was from a public entity or was a private consultant. Four of the six states had consultants to help them, mostly from other public entities, but one state, South Dakota, hired a private consultant.

Baseline Metrics

Baseline Metrics are used to describe the current status of transportation infrastructure and planning in the state. It can include things like miles of road, rail, water and air; amount of material currently transported by mode; and any other relevant data. These are used to establish a baseline from which the effect of any implemented changes is measured.

Specific Targets

Specific Targets are the results the plan is designed to achieve.

Action Plan

Action Plan is a set of actions needed to reach the specific targets.


Goals are generalized hopes that the plan envisages without specific targets or an action plan.


Commitments are promises made by various stakeholders to take actions to meet the specific targets.

Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholder Involvement is the participation of various stakeholders included in the development of the transportation plan.

Plan Type

Plan Type indicates whether the plan was for rail only, or for freight only.

State Transportation Plan Summary Data

The Summary Data Table indicates whether a state includes a performance measure in its transportation planning. Six state plans have been analyzed, to date. The bottom row shows the number of states using that performance measure out of the six states we have looked at so far. Each column represents a different metric related to performance measures. The metrics are described above.

Summary Data

State Agency Consultant Type Baseline Metrics Specific Target Action Plan Goals Commit- ments Stakeholder’s Involvement Plan Type
Rhode Island Planning Federal No No No No No Yes Rail
Wisconsin Transportation, Investment, Planning Federal/State No No No Yes No Yes Rail
Kentucky Transportation None No No Yes Yes Yes No Rail
South Dakota Transportation Private Yes No No Yes No Yes Rail
Utah Transportation, Planning Regional No No No No No Yes Rail
Florida Transportation None No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Freight
Total Yes 1 0 2 4 2 5  

Summary Results

Overall, the state plans we analyzed were strongest in setting general goals. Four of the six states set general, but unsupported goals, and five involved at least some stakeholders in the development of the plan. Unfortunately, stakeholders in these plans were primarily there to get information about the plans and planning process; they were not fully participating in the planning. Deepening stakeholder involvement throughout the planning process, including commitments to action toward plan targets is essential to building better transportation systems.

When it comes to taking specific actions to ensure that goals are reached, the states were less proactive. Only one state, South Dakota, established baseline metrics and none of the states whose plans we analyzed set specific targets that they intended to achieve. Only two of the states, Florida and Kentucky, had action plans that contained some commitments for specific actions.

The small number of states that take proactive steps to ensure that the goals of the transportation plans will see the light of day is concerning. It suggests that too many of these plans once created are not implemented. There is a major opportunity to assist states in becoming more intentional in both their planning and their implementation.

Individual State Transportation Plan Summaries

Rhode Island


State Planning Council, Department of Administration.


December 16, 2013


Federal Transit Administration & Federal Highway Administration

Baseline Metrics

No baseline metrics used. Rail tonnage only calculated for ingoing and outgoing freight.

Specific Target


Action Plan

No Action plans found. Studies being conducted only provide recommendations on strategy.



Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholders were involved in 7 meetings during the entire state rail planning process. They reviewed and commented on the draft materials that would result in the draft state rail plan.

Plan Type


Pertinent Comments

The plan states the goals, objectives, and recommended actions relative to the issues instead of definitive actions to be taken.



Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), Division of Transportation Investment Management (DTIM), Bureau of Planning & Economic Development (BPED)


March 19, 2014


Federal and state environmental resource agencies

Baseline Metrics

No metrics were used to determine a baseline. Used previous draft plans to prepare the current plan.

Specific Target


Action Plan

No Action plan.


  • Work with railroads to ensure that appropriate rail service is provided to shippers statewide
  • Acquire rail lines into public ownership, when appropriate, to preserve essential railroad service
  • Continue to preserve, as appropriate, rail corridors for future use
  • Support the creation of rail transit commissions to promote rail service preservation in northern Wisconsin and elsewhere
  • Work with partners to define appropriate rail infrastructure improvement needs
  • Fund publicly owned rail needs to meet changing industry standards
  • Support efforts to improve connections between short-line railroads and other carriers



Stakeholder Involvement

A two-session workshop conducted with the stakeholders to discuss and solicit comments about the issues. Stakeholders reviewed the topics and voted with/against it.

Plan Type


Pertinent Comments

The majority of comments were general in nature, indicating support for the plan without suggesting any major changes or suggesting only minor technical changes. A large majority of the suggested changes pertain to intercity passenger rail. Other comments concern funding, economic development and commuter rail.



Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)


August 1, 2014



Baseline Metrics


Specific Target


Action Plan

Preservation: Work to preserve rail service where it is in the public interest and rights-of-way where service preservation is possible.

Funding: Identify funding that can be used for rail projects.

Economic Development: Work to identify adequate rail access to Kentucky’s intermodal facilities such as river ports and other freight transloading points. Work to develop adequate access to other modes to rail intermodal facilities. Work with economic development groups to identify and promote rail-served industrial sites and assist with the location of rail using industries. Partner with neighboring states to develop initiatives that promote efficient connectivity to the national rail system.

Customer Relationships/Transportation Planning Process: Work to involve the railroads in the public planning process, including the development of the Kentucky statewide rail plan. Understand and document the citizen’s wants and needs for freight and passenger rail service. Educate Metropolitan Planning Organization and other planning organizations in rail issues, the role that rail plays in transportation. Support safety programs life Operation Life Saver.

Safety and Convenience: Work with the rail roads to identify grade crossing of particular concern for closure, enhanced warning devices, or grade separation.


The KYTC partners with other agencies to provide technical guidance, planning, and coordination of efforts to help preserve the railroad system in Kentucky. The state has made available funds in the last several years that have resulted in nearly $1No million in rail infrastructure improvements. The KYTC is tasked with maintaining and improving the state’s transportation network. Transportation is the life blood of any economy and a healthy rail system is an integral part. KYTC has worked with the Governor’s office and other agencies to make funding available for rail projects through short line assistance grants and has partnered with railroads to support TIGER grant applications.

South Dakota


SDDOT Air, Rail and Transit


July 1, 2014


Cambridge Systematic, Inc. Civil Design Inc.

Baseline Metrics

South Dakota Freight Movement by mode,

2011 and 2040

(in millions of tons)

2011 2040
Truck 382 651
Rail 131 186
Water 0.03 0.01
Air 0.003 0.009

Specific Target


Action Plan

None. The rail plan document was not intended to be an action plan.

Plan Purpose:

  • To provide guidance for the governor and the state of South Dakota.
  • Identify potential investment opportunities.


  • Support economic growth and development. Ensure connectivity for critical industries.
  • Maintain State railroad assets in a state of good repair. Reduce highway impacts. Improve railroad safety, security and resiliency.



Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholders from a diversified background were targeted for interviews, to report all aspects of rail system. Stakeholder interview guides were developed separately for each of the different stakeholder business and industry types.

Pertinent Comments

The 2014 South Dakota State Rail Plan will address a broad spectrum of rail issues and establishment of a long-range investment program and policies for current and future passenger and freight rail infrastructure throughout the State.



Planning Division – UDOT


July 1, 2014


Wasatch Front Regional Council

Baseline Metrics


Specific Target

None, however there were a few proposed freight improvement projects.

Action Plan

None. Mentioned only the benefits and impacts of the proposed rules with no action plan.



Stakeholder Involvement

Public meetings were held to get inputs and incorporate them accordingly.

Pertinent Comments

“The primary purpose of the USRP is to serve as a planning document and to provide comprehensive rail data that would serve to identify the current rail system and processes to improve regional and statewide safety and mobility. The USRP also meets the minimum USDOT requirements to participate in Federal funding for freight, high-speed and conventional intercity passenger rail projects. Future five-year revisions could eventually set forth a policy framework through which strategic actions could be taken to realize the full potential of freight and passenger rail transportation in Utah.“





July 1, 2014



Baseline Metrics


Specific Target


Action Plan

  • Develop freight project prioritization criteria
  • Score projects according to prioritization criteria
  • Weight by average importance rating
  • Break into priority groups based on total project score
  • Analyze return on investment on very high priority projects


  • Capitalize on the freight transportation advantages of Florida through collaboration on Economic development, trade, and logistics program.
  • Increase operational efficiency of goods movement. Minimize costs in the supply chain.
  • Align public and private efforts for trade and logistics.
  • Raise awareness and support for freight movement investments.
  • Develop a balanced transportation planning and investment model that considers and integrates all forms of transportation.
  • Transform the FDOT’s organizational culture to include consideration of supply chain and freight movement issues.


A total of 26 criteria were identified for the prioritization process.

Stakeholder Involvement

Held meeting with stakeholders during the plan making process.

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