Given the substantial economic, environmental, and community impacts of infrastructure projects, shouldn’t we, as a society, develop a complete data comparison on which to base decisions? The Lifecycle Freight Data Bank is a rallying point for transportation academics, government agencies, and the freight industry to build and share the most comprehensive database in transportation history.

Reliable data is the foundation of all effective 21st century infrastructure decision-making.

For too long, our nation has not reckoned with the long-term implications, both positive and negative, of major transportation infrastructure decisions. There has been no cohesive system-wide data development and collection effort, leaving legislators, planners and stakeholders to depend on narrowly focused or outdated datasets.

Congestion, climate change, and other environmental factors hasten the need for a rapid expansion of intelligent decision-making processes.


Lifecycle Freight Data Bank Program Action Steps:

Gathering: Taking full inventory of existing data.*

Assessment: Convene representatives from all freight transportation perspectives to gauge the timeliness and value of each factor-set, and from that exercise, create a prioritized wish-list of data needed.

Commission: Gather funding and then commission the needed research.

Dissemination:  Make data available for low cost to the nation’s infrastructure planners, including campaign to promote awareness of new data.


*OnTrackNorthAmerica and its advisors have advanced much of this step, by undertaking existing research literature.

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