Transforming transportation planning and investment…
…to support a sustainable, prosperous economy for the whole community.

From OnTrackNorthAmerica’s founder…

“In this critical moment of battered public-sector budgets and serious environmental challenges, funding for freight rail projects is available from well-capitalized private-sector investors who are eager to invest in North American rail infrastructure.

OnTrackNorthAmerica’s Rail-Enabled Economic Development and Supply Chain Strategies accelerate the return on infrastructure investment to the benefit of communities and investors.

We look forward to collaborating with you.

– Michael Sussman, Chairman & CEO

Effective plans require
economic, social and environmental metrics.

It’s time for us to think together.

Let’s start talking about the big picture.
Let’s start talking about the big picture.

Blog: Perspectives

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Building on over 20 years of transportation experience,

OnTrackNorthAmerica provides leadership toward a world-class transportation system. We invite you to add your intellectual and financial support to this important work.

Get in Touch. Your Input Matters.

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