Reinventing Stakeholder Engagement Round One

From OnTrackNorthAmerica
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Round One Questions

Here are the five questions for Round One. You’ll have a chance to respond to them in the Round One survey (below).

1.   What stakeholder input and stakeholder engagement activities is your department currently implementing?  (e.g., public input gatherings, posting plans on website with public comment capability, stakeholder task forces, etc.)

2.   What are the pitfalls of current approaches to stakeholder engagement?

3.   Why do we need stakeholder engagement in transportation planning?

4.   What dilemmas are created by the need for stakeholder engagement in transportation planning?

5.   Are there any other questions we should be asking?

In the outputs from this round we will be quoting from the responses. Would you prefer to have quotes from your responses be anonymous or attributed?


  1. You are welcome to respond to just one, or to all of them, and to write as much or as little as you like. It may help to imagine yourself as someone who will be directly impacted by the quality of stakeholder engagement in the future, and to imagine that your writings will help to shape future frameworks, tools, and methods for stakeholder engagement. In other words, you are a real stakeholder.
  2. The questions will be in a Google Form, just as the registration form was. As with any web form, we recommend that you compose your responses in a document on your computer, and when you’re ready to submit all of your responses you copy and paste each one into the corresponding box in the web form. Then click Submit. (This approach minimizes the risk of losing a carefully composed response in a few milliseconds because your fingers slipped on the keyboard.)
  3. This is not an “online discussion forum”, at least not the kind you may be familiar with. There will be about 30 registered participants in this IntelliConference. If each participant writes one medium length paragraph in response to each question, this group might produce about 150 pages of responses in the next 10 days. We are not asking you to read all that “raw data”! We, the Facilitation Team, will analyze the responses and create a brief Synthesis of the responses to each question and send it out to you, along with the questions for Round Two.
  4. Although it’s unlikely that you will have time to read them, we will make the full responses available to the participants of this session. This is a very important element of the IntelliConference, because it makes the work of the Facilitation Team transparent -- anyone will be able to check the “raw” response data if they believe that the Synthesis Document misrepresents what the participants wrote in any way.
  5. The Synthesis Document will occasionally quote participants’ responses, and may also report whose response it was. If you prefer that we do not quote from or attribute your responses, please indicate your preference in the question form.
  6. We will start writing the Synthesis on Monday, June 6. We intend to send out the Round One Synthesis -- and the questions for Round Two -- on Tuesday, June 7. Please submit your responses by noon Monday, June 6, if you want your thoughts to receive the fullest expression in the Synthesis.
  7. Here is your link to Round One.

Please contact Michael if you have any questions about the IntelliConference (215-564-3004 or,  or Jeff if you have any technical problems (707-927-6070 or


Michael Sussman and Jeff Conklin
