Participation Options
CAPSI and our first Industrial System Initiative (ISI), VitalRail support stakeholders in making important improvements to specific industries in the name of economic and environmental long-term stability leading to a better quality of life for all. CAPSI and VitalRail Organizers and Facilitators work with stakeholders to establish ten crucial goals for an ISI. Then together through conversations and iterative IntelliConference Series, Participating Stakeholders and staff drill down into the detail of those goals to address the challenges, opportunities and breakthroughs. The work is not only about uncovering great information. The real work is about breakthroughs that create new and better products and services, strategic partnerships, and if need be, mergers and acquisitions so that an industry and can really change. This page is the starting industry level place for joining us in doing this critical work.
One more important item. If all we did was produce great white papers on these changes, that would not be enough. We maintain the CAPSI and VitalRail Multilogue so that stakeholders can very simply track progress in summaries but stilll drill down into the detail.
Participation Options
Registered Visitors
As a registered visitor you are able to visit all open pages, make comments and ask questions using the Discussion Tab on each page. To become a Registered Visitor send an email to with the subject line: Registered Visitor.
Registered Stakeholders
As a registered stakeholder you will have you own stakeholder page where you can introduce yourself, your background and interests in a specific Industry System Initiative, related IntelliConference Series and our work in general. You can also comment and ask questions related to the public pages and other pages you may have access to as a stakeholder.
We ask you to:
- Read the About CAPSI Page and the Ethics Page in the left dialogue box
- Ask us any questions or make comments via email
- Be concise as possible in your communication. Feel free to attach any material you think relevant to the work
- We want your participation, please be ready to contribute to the discussion
- Please register your agreement with our Ethics Page by commenting in this regard in your request to be a stakeholder
- To become a Registered Visitor send an email to
To become a Registered Stakeholder send an email to with the subject line: Registered Stakeholder. We will notify you with your login ID and password.