Participation Options

From OnTrackNorthAmerica


CAPSI and our first Industrial System Initiative (ISI), VitalRail are all about supporting stakeholders in making important improvements to the specific industries in the name of economic and environmental long-term stability. CAPSI and VitalRail Organizers and Facilitators work with stakeholders to establish ten crucial goals for an Industry ISI. Then together together through conversations and iterative IntelliConference Series we drill down into the detail of those goals to address challenges and opportunities. The pages you see on this site are ac

Participation Options

Registered Visitors

As a registered visitor you are able to visit all open pages and make comments and ask questions using the Discussion Tab on each page. To become a Registered Visitor send an email to The administration staff will


As a registered stakeholder you will have you own stakeholder page where you introduce yourself, your background and interests in a specific Industry System Initiative and related IntellConference Series

Participating Stakeholders