Primary Project Tracking: Difference between revisions

From OnTrackNorthAmerica
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== Background ==

* The first MVP for the KB. "IS Q&A To Project Summary Work Page"
* The example here for the Knowledge Base IS use case is using the Glass Packaging Institute Project (GPI).
* Not included here is an example of the use case and workflow for sites for more public stakeholders.  Though the use case would be pretty similar.
== Challenges ==
* We have to figure out a better name for this project than  "IS Q&A To Project Summary Work Page"
* Is "Primary Project Tracking" a better name
== Design ==
For purposes of definition:  USE CASE: A business process or activity for doing work. WORK FLOW: How categories of work flow through your business.
# All Projects start with their own Front Page that originates on the KB site Main Page: '''OnTrackNorthAmerica's CAPSI Project''' Under the heading "Projects"
# For right now the GPI project is a Client Project. Click on  '''Glass Packaging Institute''' under Client Projects
# You now see the Front Page for the GPI Project. This would be the ongoing summary management page for the life of the project. Of course this project might morph into another project which would be prominently recorded here, noting that this change had taken place. This page starts off with Big Organizing Words (BOWs) headers like: GPI MOVES, Context, Opportunity, Problems, Process, Background Documents. Under each BOW are relevant Topics and Information Points (TIPs) which are plan text. Within TIPs is where we include links to other pages and links to outside web pages
# As the project moves along, the BOWs and TIPs can change
# Background Documents are complete whole documents uploaded to the site. This would include opening emails and memos that birthed the project, other relevant outsider memos as well as completed whole IS Q&A documents. (Note: A separate use case and work flow needs to be created for the possibility of how we get stakeholder input on evolving IS Q&As within the KB, probably using the discussion tab pages or something else.)
==Knowledgebase Functionality and Design==
*Text Document Formatter
*Hold off on spell check
*Custom Mediawiki Skin
*Working with Peter to take care of that
*Participant agreement to create an account
*Should be on the Create account page and must be clicked to create account
*How long was a User on
*Per day
*Per week
*When do they log on
*Time since and between edits
===Facilitator Only===
*Users should not be able to see other user’s comments on the *topics/questions Facilitators should
*Maybe can be done with Approved Revisions
*Countdown timer to when questions closes (?)
*Cargo and Statistical data for the page should be stored on a different facilitator-only page
*Setup sending a round of Questions
*Participants shouldn’t see other participant’s answers
*We should have a form where they respond to questions
*Google docs to excel spreadsheet type of forum

Latest revision as of 17:01, 20 June 2024