VitalRail FAQs
How are CAPSI/VitalRail IntelliConference Series (ICs) different from other collaboration events?
CAPSI/VitalRail IntelliConference Series include stakeholders across industries, sectors, and work disciplines. IC Series cover all the subjects needed to address VitalRail goals. Our work always pursues the question, "Where is the breakthrough?” toward solving problems and advancing opportunities.
How will more opinions on the freight industry get anything done faster?
Our initiative brings together individuals and organizations actively involved in the industry and its impacts. While conferences, summits, and varied perspectives abound, we facilitate evidence-based discourse toward problem resolution. This approach emphasizes verifiable data and informed expertise rather than biases and assumptions.
What are IntelliConference Series?
Each goal focused IntelliConference Series (ICs) occurs over a 6 month period that includes 1) An Introductory IntelliConference, 2) A series of Exploratory IntelliConferences, and 3) An Action IntelliConference. Staff ensure continuity and clarity within a series at all times.
A Introductory IC is a synchronous zoom event of three hours per day spread over three days. Exploratory ICs are asynchronous activities spread over two to three months. Action ICs present the results of the exploratory and stakeholder outreach process. Based on what is presented, stakeholders determine if another IntelliConference Series is needed on the same goal. If another IC Series is not needed an Advisory Committee on the subject goal is organized to monitor industry activity towards fulfilling the goal.
Who decides topics and content?
Subject matter experts, participants, and sponsors work with VitalRail organizers and facilitators to introduce IntelliConference Series topics and core Questions. Via IntelliSynthesis dialogues, these topic areas are refined.
What exactly do VitalRail organizers do?
Organizers conduct outreach and field inquiries to uncover rail subject matter experts, champions and scouts related to the specific goals being addressed by VitalRail. They enroll sponsors. They insure that all involved parties are getting value from VitalRail.
What exactly do VitalRail facilitators do?
Facilitators lead the VitalRail collaboration process within Exploratory IntelliConferences. During Exploratory IntelliConferences they use our IntelliSynthesis technology and methods to ask stakeholders written, well-conceived questions in order to uncover valuable input for goal progress. Facilitators analyze this input and synthesize it into topic and goal summaries posted into the Multilogue Record.
What exactly do VitalRail participating stakeholders do?
During the IntelliSynthesis process facilitators interact with stakeholders by presenting rounds of questions specific to finding breakthroughs within a goal. Stakeholders can reframe these questions or answer directly. Stakeholder input is the primary source of collective intelligence for uncovering new paths forward.
How do stakeholders track what is happening in the dialogue process?
The VitalRail Organizing and Facilitation Teams summarize stakeholder input and insert it into the VitalRail Multilogue Record. Summaries are hyperlinked to the collected evidentiary content. Through the Discussion Tab on each Multilogue page stakeholders can makes comments and ask more questions. Staff insert this additional input into the connected subject page.
I am busy; how do I keep up with progress on the subjects and goals?
All input is cataloged in CAPSI's transparent “Multilogue Record”. The Multilogue Record is a Wikipedia-like structure, rendering all content easily accessible. Summary pages highlight the latest stakeholder interactions toward the stated goals. Staff facilitators and organizers are available to answer questions and clarify issues.
When will VitalRail events take place?
We will commence producing the first VitalRail IntelliConference Series in April 2025.
Where will the VitalRail events take place?
VitalRail IntelliConferences are conducted primarily online, where you can input on your own schedule. Synchronous gatherings are convened on Zoom for the group to begin or end an IntelliConference Series or to focus on a specific conversation best addressed in real time.
Who are VitalRail’s producers?
VitalRail is a project of OnTrackNorthAmerica, a 501c3 nonprofit industrial planning and policy organization founded by Michael Sussman in 2007. OnTrackNorthAmerica is informed by his team’s work at Strategic Rail Finance, which has advised infrastructure companies and public agencies on rail-related projects, systems, and economic development since 1994 in 44 U.S. States and three Canadian Provinces. OnTrackNorthAmerica’s autonomy is preserved by its Trustees, who maintain adherence to the OTNA/CAPSI Ethics, including its first statement on Objectivity: OnTrackNorthAmerica does not accept financial sponsorships that require prioritization of individual business agendas over shared interests.
Aren't agencies, railroads, and trucking companies responsible for any changes in freight service?
Leaders of key organizations are doing their best to bring about a better freight system. Still, the effort takes more than folks in business and bureaucratic silos can advance. Real progress requires participation from ALL stakeholder sectors: government, community, business, funders, advocacy, labor, academia, culture, and industry media to ensure a viable system is built in a timely, cost-effective, and safe manner.
Who pays CAPSI and VitalRail costs of doing this organizing work?
The original OTNA Industrial System Initiative, VitalRail is seed funded through venture funds, grants and sponsors. Contact us at with any questions about funding.
How are anti-trust concerns addressed?
VitalRail interactions are informed by the 2020 Antitrust Guidelines for Collaborations among Competitors, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. VitalRail goals can be achieved achieved via non-proprietary information exchange